A sound check and they were into the first number "Smokestack Lightnin"' with great harp, "Come In My Kitchen", "Few Short Lines", "It Hurts Me Too", one of several numbers with both Mark and Rick playing slide, made my hair stand up on end. Then came several numbers from the CD One For The Road. These include "I Asked Her For Water", "Global Conspiracy Blues," "I Want You To Stay" and "I'm Going Out", which ended the set.
The Lich was full when the second half started with "Feel Like Going Home", which again had them both playing slide. Mark and Rick were in full swing with "Big Lumps Of Nothing", "Crying Down In Clarksdale", some country blues numbers; they just kept coming. Then it was 6.45 pm.
Everybody had enjoyed the session including Mark and Rick. They did us proud. Martin Chambers of The Pretenders, who had dropped in, commented, `What a brilliant way to spend a Sunday afternoon!' Keep an eye out for Sons Of The Delta, you will really enjoy them!
Pete Clinton